"Gomutimes" was launched as a part of industrial reports published by "総合通信社", started after WW2. It started in the name of "護謨タイムス", in October 1946. "Gomutimes" has been evaluated as a journal reports about trends of rubber industry quickly and precisely. We publish the rubber and plastic journal to give fair and accurate news quickly for improvement of industry.

Trade Name  Gomutimes Co.,Ltd.
Office  1-10-1 Soleado Bld.2F, Kandaizumicho,
 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0024, Japan
 TEL 03-3861-3021 FAX 03-3861-3037
Established  October, 1946
History  History of Gomutimes Co.,Ltd.(link)
Capital Stock  JPY 10 million
Representative Board Member  Representative Director Koichi Inagaki
Scope of Business  Publishing rubber and plastic journal "Weekly Gomutimes(Rubber Times)"
 Publishing technical books
 Researching abroad
 Planning and design (editing commemorative publications or catalogs)
Publication  Weekly Gomutimes(Rubber Times)
 Directory of rubber industry
 Weekly Gomutimes(Rubber Times) reduced‐size edition
Location  Gomutimes Co.,Ltd.
 1-10-1 Soleado Bld.2F, Kandaizumicho,
 Tokyo, 101-0024, Japan