Result of production from January to June 2015 for shipping and stock of automotive tires and tubes that were summarized by Japan Automobile Tire Manufacturers Association (JATMA), production volume was 536,091t in total, which is 3.8% less than the same period of the previous year. Domestic shipping was 257,155t, which was 5.3% less, and export shipping was 277,862t, which was 4.6% less than the same period of the previous year.
The background of this decrease was, in addition to the fact that production volume of automotive vehicles was less than the same month of the previous year for 12 months in a low until June, January to March showed reaction of large increase due to the last-minute demands before the increase of consumption tax in the same period of the previous year, plus the amount of snowfall was low at the beginning of the year.
In June alone, production volume was 93,525t, which was 5.5% less, domestic shipping was 42,661t, which was 3.7% decrease, and export shipping was 51,842t, which was 1.1% less all compared to the same month of the previous year, and production volume showed decrease for 7 months in a row.
By category, production volume of tires for trucks and buses was 20,742t, which was 9.8% less, for small size trucks was 11, 780t, which was 6.2% less, for passengers vehicles was 44,818t, which was 4.9% less, for construction vehicles was 14,619t, which was 0.4% less, for industrial vehicles was 529t, which was 4.3% less, and for other vehicles was 1,038t, which was 1.5% all compared to the same period of the previous year. This means that all categories except other vehicles showed decrease compared to the result of the previous year.